

Slate DigitalのVCC2.0が出来たみたいよ





コンソールにSSL Eが増えてる











Dear VCC Customer,

Welcome to your sneak peak at the Virtual Console Collection 2.0, which will be available as a FREE update soon.  Let me tell you about what's new!

The 'Brit 4k' is a model of a late 80's British mixing console. It's been a customer favorite and is perfect for adding that little bit of extra glue, punch, and width to the DAW's digital mixer.  Well, after we released VCC back in 2010, we started to hear rumors around Los Angeles of a small early 80's "E" series British Console that was supposedly the most amazing sounding mixing desk in town. After some research and some good tips from a few friends, we found this famous little desk and I ran about five mixes through it and compared it to the DAW summed mixes.  Wow is all I can say. This desk was incredible. It has a beautiful low end punch, but also really brought the lows together with a very unique glue.  The low mids became thicker without sounding muddy.  The midrange was more pronounced and transients were clearer and more articulate.  Everything in the mix had more of its own space.  The width increased and the mix became more exciting.  And you can push into the mixbuss to get a beautiful aggression. So this is the new model on the VCC 2.0, called the 'Brit 4k E'!  I can't wait for you all to experience it.  Overall, it's got a bit more color and vibe than the current Brit 4k, but it is not as overwhelmingly colorful as some of the other models like the Brit N.  I think you guys are going to love it.  It's become my new go-to VCC model on my mixes.

Next, you'll notice that the GUI's have changed quite a lot! Everything is now available on the front panel.  There are no submenus, and the grouping system is much easier and straightforward. You have an input and output trim, and a link switch.  By pushing the input and attenuating the output, you'll achieve new types of saturation sounds that will have a different effect than the DRIVE parameter.  Now, about that DRIVE parameter, it actually has an increased range so you can get even more color if you so desire!

Your'e going to notice a difference in the US-A Discrete model too. A friend wrote me saying "I have the hardware console and yours matches almost perfectly, except mine has a slightly bigger bottom".  So we analyzed this particular desk and I really did like how the bottom was slightly thicker and a tad punchier, so after some thorough testing, we updated our US-A Discrete Algo and I think you'll really enjoy the result.  It's a fairly subtle change, but one that I believe is for the better.

The RC-Tube has always been one of my favorite emulations and I use it on a lot of individual tracks for the unique effect that it creates.  However, the condition of the original hardware reference, the RCA BC6B, was in fairly poor condition. Well, since the RC-Tube was first released, we were able to examine a mint condition unit, and I thought it had some subtle discrepancies which I really liked.  So we applied some of these updates to the RC-Tube model, and you'll notice that it has a slightly warmer and richer low mid and low end. You're gonna love what it does to vocals, bass, and even on the mixbuss.

Because the VCC has been completely rewritten in our new framework, you're gonna see some serious reduction in CPU! While I can't give exact numbers yet, it's pretty significant! You'll also notice that we have a noise reduction button right on the front panel. 

In conclusion, we're fixing last minute bugs so we can get this into beta, and then into your studios.  Thanks so much for the patience and support.  We've learned a lot over the past few years and I will always aim to improve, and you'll see a lot of those improvements executed in 2015.  Happy Mixing!  And please say hi to me at NAMM 2015, booth 6921!

Steven Slate」

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